Saturday, January 2, 2016

Things I Learnt In 2k15...

In The year 2015 I guess I have lived several good times more than I had thought. Now when I look back into the days for this year I get emotional as it was such a pity year for me.  I had both good and bad times and literally from them I learnt lots of life lessons.

Life is what we make it.

Well, there are lot things for that we often blame God and others for something bad happened in our life. Our life moves according to our choice and wills, whatever we are, whatever we are suffering from whether it is bad or good it is all because of our will, deeds, choices and habits. We can't blame God for anything, we have our life, brain, limbs and strength given by him which is enough capable to handle anything and anything we want to do... in sort "as we do, so we reap"

Our past will only hurt us.

We may had did a lots of worst things, suffered from worst situations for which now we often regret. But whispering these types of past will only hurt and would not allow to welcome the good times that are yet to come. Honestly from my own life experience.

Being thankful for everything is the fastest way to feel better.

What every may be happen we should always be strong to face the problem. And we should thank to them those who are helps us directly or indirectly to make us feel better.

Other people are never judging me the way I judge myself.

I strongly believe that my perceptions will always shape my reality (What I want to be).

"Being your best self" won't happen every day.

It means you live and learn and love and grow into yourself a little more each day, and pray you get as close to getting right as you want.

Human beings are the most wonderful species on planet earth.

As Man is a social being so we are sounded by a society of peoples and they are directly or indirectly helps us to improve ourselves. So we are thankful to them.

Human beings are the most destructive species on planet earth.

As “All glitters are not Gold”, so there a peoples who always tries to pull-down our legs and creates huddles in our path. So be careful of them.

The Learning Never Stops.

Life is a continuous learning process, in each and every moment of life gives us a lesson and which takes us to higher level to achieve our goals.

There is no path, There is no right way.

There isn’t no road map, no course of direction or action that will get you to whatever promise land you dream of. You, as a singular being, will discover that at your own time, at your own pace.

Well let’s thrust behind all our grief, worries and let’s begin the New Year as new life in new way with lot of hopes.

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