Sunday, January 3, 2016

My 2k16 Nw Year's Resolutions ....

Every year staring, I’m stared to list my New Year’s resolutions.

Some people make resolutions every day and they don’t need the New Year to make resolutions. For some, the first of the year is a starting time for change.

For me, it’s just another way to recall my goals. I set my goals every few months, but First, I like to reflect on last year’s resolutions before making 2016 resolutions, in case any will carry over.

Here are 2015‘s resolutions. Let’s look at 2015:

1.  “Create My own Blog” – Accomplished

From my college days I have an interest that, I want to write my own story and I wrote my story in word file about 10 pages. And I am happy while I reading the stuff again and again. Also in my college days I wrote love letters. All the things ultimately drives me to create my own blog and I am successful in that part.

2. “Publishing My own Website” – Yet to be Accomplished

I am interested to learn things by my own and I am happy while I learn any new thing. I learned HTML, CSS and I started to create small designs. I am created my own website design using HTML, CSS also I completed the domain registration. But I don’t know the proper knowledge about hosting a website so I postpone my website for a shooter period soon I will intimate you all about my website.


1. “Enjoying Life to the Fullest”

Last year I have traveled “Chennai”, “Delhi” and I enjoyed a lot.  But I am in Bangalore for last Six months I haven’t traveled a lot in Bangalore, so I want to explore Bangalore in this year.

2. "Spend more time with friends and family”

This year, I want to stay more in tuned with my friends and family and make more of an effort.

3. "Become a morning person”

This is the year that I become a morning person! Starting January 4th (the first Monday of the New Year), I’ll be waking up early and starting my day at 7am instead of 8am. That 1-hour change will result in 5 more hours in the work week!

4. "Take more time for myself”

Even though I’m alone every day I don’t get any perfect time to myself. As I Love to read books but I don’t get time. So I want to take more time for me that’s reading for 30 minutes.

5. "Try to improve my writing skills”

As this is my first attempt and I still need time to improve my writing skills. As well as to post my past memories I need time to frame my memories.

That's all about my new year resolutions and i will try to accomplish.

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