Tuesday, December 15, 2015

A Guid To Palm Reading

What Do Your Fingers Say About You?

Does Each Finger Carry any Meaning?
Yes. Just as with the palm, the fingers on your dominant hand typically showcase your work and public personality, while the fingers on your other hand relate to your behaviour at home and in close relationships. Every person has some strong fingers and some weak ones. The stronger a particular finger, the more likely you are to exemplify its personality traits.

Here are the associated characteristics for each digit:

Thumb: Drive to succeed.

Index finger: Power, authority, vision, and influence.

Middle finger: Accountability, efficiency, security, growth, and wisdom.

Ring finger: Creativity, self-expression, and a yearning to be in the spotlight.

Pinkie: Communication style.

How Can You Tell Which Fingers Are Strong and Which Are Weak?

Weak digits are bent, crooked, leaning toward another finger, bending forward, or have areas that are damaged in some way. If your finger stands up straight and tall, it’s strong.

What Does the Shape of the Fingertips Reveal?

Round fingertips: You desire harmony and avoid disapproval.

Square or flat fingertips: You strive for precision and loathe vagueness.

Speculate fingertips (broad and flared): You love originality and despise routine.

Pointed fingertips: You like to put off practical affairs in favour of pursuing the unusual and the mystical.

Can You Learn Anything From the Spaces Between Your Fingers?

Yes. Rest your hands naturally on a flat surface, or hold them up comfortably up in the air. If your fingers are widely spread apart, then you’re probably independent and open to new experiences. If your fingers are held tightly together, you may be cautious, guarded, and self-contained. If your middle and ring fingers are spread apart, you’re not easily influenced by popular opinion. If those two fingers are close together, you tend to bend to societal expectations and rules. Look at the space between your pinkie and ring finger, too. If it’s extremely wide, that’s a sign that you’re dodging important conversations and that your relationships at home or at work could be suffering as a result. If the pinkie and ring finger are an average space apart (compare them to friends’ hands for a gauge), that means you’re an independent thinker.

                               Palm Reading Technique

First things first. Pick a hand—but not just any hand. For insight into your work life and how you present yourself to the world, focus on your dominant hand. To examine personal relationships, dreams, and emotional struggles, look at the other hand. Having trouble making out the lines? Cup your hand slightly under a bright lamp. Keep in mind: According to hand analysts, a less prominent line reflects an area of life that may need work, while a deeper one signals that the characteristic related to that line is strong and fully developed. 

The Head Line

If you have a…

Short line (ending near the centre of your palm, as shown here): You’re a fast thinker who reaches conclusions without any hemming and hawing.

Long, straight line (extending across the palm, toward the pinkie): Analyse much? You often find yourself mulling things over (and over) before coming to a decision.

Line that splits in two: Sensitive to others, you can easily see someone else’s perspective. This means you may change your opinion now and then.

Long, curved line (running down toward the bottom corner of the palm): You’re a creative thinker who can imagine many possible outcomes or approaches to any situation.

The Heart Line

If you have a…

Long, straight line (ending below the index finger, as shown here): You’re a rational, analytical thinker who always considers others’ feelings, and people appreciate that about you.

Short, straight line (ending between the middle and index fingers): You need your freedom. You show your love through actions more than words.

Long, curved line (arcing up and reaching the base of the middle finger): Your passions and desires drive you, and you don’t care who knows it.

Short, curved line (arcing up and ending about a half inch below the base of the middle finger): You are reserved and prefer small groups to big ones. You open up in one-on-one settings.

Line with two or more X’s at the outer palm: You’ve experienced a deep personal betrayal.

Line that splits in two: You have a habit of putting your emotions on the back burner to meet others’ needs.

The Life Line

If you have a…

Long line (curving around the ball of the thumb and ending at the base of the palm, as shown here): You’re a rock whom people count on to stay strong in difficult times.

Short line (ending near the centre of the palm): When the going gets tough, keeping busy helps you feel safe and secure.

Faint line: You may need to chill out now and then. Yoga, meditation, walking, or taking time to play could do you good.

Broken line: Each break in the line represents a traumatic experience that has had an impact on your life choices.

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